June 13, 2008 (Day 138)

Fine Parking

Jay and Tim returned today from a vacation to the North Woods of Minnesota. Upon our return we found a newly framed garage and greenhouse. Jay has always wanted a place to grow seedlings in the spring as well as a protected location to store gardening supplies, pot plants, and perform other assorted gardening chores. Our old garage didn’t really have the space he wanted. Therefore we designed our new garage with a small greenhouse along it’s west side. This will be a small room inside the garage with windows along one wall. It will have running water during the growing season and heat during the winter.

Painting nears completion in the kitchen, mud room, and basement stairway. The carpenters from Vujovich are working furiously to finish the remaining trim work on the main floor. Jerry, our master painter, has also perfected a stain to match our existing woodwork on the first floor. Our painter expects to finish his work by the fourth of July.